Will you write me something for my birthday?
This year, 2016, I have been very inspired by the ideas of Finding the Fun in Others. In May, I was invited to teach on this principle in workshops in London, England (with C3Something) and Llubjana, Slovenia (with IGLU). What a true delight it was to get to share some of the ideas I have been floating around in my head with some of the best improvisors in the world.
So, that being said, it is only fitting that I will make a request for my 29th birthday. As a reminder, it is June 5th, the 5th of June, JUNE 5, the fifth of June, the 156th day of the year in the Gregorian Calendar, Arbour Day in New Zealand and the Feast of Núr in the Bahá’í calendar (if Bahá’í Naw-Rúz falls on March 21).
The request is as follows, for my 29th birthday I want you to share with me:
A short essay of length 290 - 2900 words on the topic of Finding Fun in Others.
You can feel free to make it about improvisational theatre, about academia, about art or science, or life in general. You can make it specific or general, postulate wildly or sincerely. Tell me a horrific tale of a fun-free vacuum, or spin a heart-warming story of a land filled with fun-buns and jelly-bellys. What is fun, what are others, what does it mean to find? Feel free to semantically define it for yourself…
It is my hope that I can collect 29 of these short pieces and accumulate them in a collective creation collection. Much like I have done over the last four years. Another small piece in my larger, yearly, creative endeavour to collect, embrace, and feature the creativity around me.
As a note, feel free to add any necessary attachments, be it audio, visual, photos, supplementary writings, tree diagrams, pins on a map, that may help to clarify and expand your essays.
To deliver the present to me, you can feel free to email it to me, you can email me for my address and then hand write it and mail it to me (as you know, I love hand written letters). You can hand deliver it to me (if you are in Edmonton, or Toronto (I will be there May 30 - June 5 (which is my birthday as a reminder))) [ How about that, triple-nested parentheses ].
Over the past four years I have asked for some exciting, collective creation style gifts for my birthday!
25th year: 25 Stories on 25 Years of Age 26th year: 26 Love Letters 27th year: 27 Birthday Pictures 28th year: 28 Handwritten Notes