Listen to the Rocks
I have written before about how much I enjoy running. Some individuals do not get the same sense of peace and tranquility from the perpetual motion of a good long distance run. They work out in gyms, and centers, packed with people on their phones… full of loud noises and equipment. When all you need to get your heart rate up, and get a proper sweat on, is a set of good shoes (it also helps to have a smartphone for GPS, and photos).
On a recent run in a desert heat of Tuscon, Arizona I came across some words of wisdom…

Stand Tall Even When No One Is Looking
This resonates with the runner mentality. We run for ourselves. We share the ups and downs of the run after, socially… but in the heat of the moments we can picking the best footing, the best line, the pace, and distance for ourselves. It is ultimately one of the most ‘selfish’ workouts one can indulge in.

Stop To Smell The Flower
We must be reminded during the mind melt of a distance run that it is enjoyable. That our bodies and minds are getting stronger by doing this. We must take pause on our runs and smell the flowers, to appreciate how far you have come…

peace on top of cactus hill
or how far you have left to go….

the long way round and down
And of course… it is always worth it to indulge and imbibe after an investment of that magnitude.

But, you will never be able to hear what the rocks are saying, if you never get to listen to them. You will not hear them when people are talking. Their voices are hidden below acoustic layers of technology and society.
If rocks could talk, what would they say? If they pleaded to get thrown across a still pond, would you indulge them? If they begged you to find the smoothest one on the beach, would you spend a full afternoon? or weekend? or lifetime?